Transform Your Emotional State: Simple Strategies for a Happier, Healthier You

Having a baby can be such a beautiful thing. It can also wreck your body and mind for a while. I was told all the wonderful stories of motherhood. Boy! I was not prepared for the toll on my mind and body. 

As someone who cares a lot about health and wellness, I know from personal experience how our emotions can affect how our bodies feel. I remember a time when I was sad and had a hard time getting myself to work out and eat well. 

It was a tough time, but I didn’t give up on myself. I started small, with just a 10-minute yoga routine every morning and a commitment to eating more whole foods. Gradually, I started feeling better emotionally. 

After a few life hacks, I found myself able to do more and more. Eventually, I was back to enjoying long hikes and experimenting with new healthy recipes in the kitchen.  

Life Hacks for Changing Emotional States 

Putting yourself in a resourceful state is difficult when you’re already in a depressed state. The best way to fix your depressed state is with daily practice. 

1. Identify the current emotional state you’re in. This can be difficult. That’s why practicing state changes before a crisis is necessary.  Before attempting to change the emotional state, it is important to identify the current state. This can be done by paying attention to the physical sensations and thoughts associated with the emotion. 

2. Choose a desired emotional state that you want to have as your baseline. Once the current emotional state is identified, the next step is to choose a desired emotional state. This can be a positive emotion such as happiness, calmness, or confidence. 

3. Identify body movements associated with the desired emotional state. Different emotional states are associated with different body movements. For example, happiness is associated with smiling and standing up straight, while calmness is associated with slow breathing and relaxed muscles. Identify the body movements associated with the desired emotional state. 

4. Practice the body movements that help you shift your state. Once the body movements are identified, practice them regularly. This can be done through exercises such as yoga, meditation, or simply practicing the movements throughout the day. 

5. Monitor progress by paying attention to the changes in physical sensations and thoughts associated with the emotional state. If the desired emotional state is not achieved, adjust the body movements and continue practicing. 

6. Seek professional help if needed. If the emotional state is persistent and difficult to change, seek professional help from a therapist or counselor. They can provide additional guidance and support for managing emotions. 

Learn and practice changing your emotional state when needed. Teach your kids how to do it as well. 

The journey wasn’t always easy, but now I’m happy and feel like I’ve accomplished something. Even when life throws you a curveball, you can still take small steps to make yourself healthier and happier. 






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